Art Room  Contract         

    Mr. Gaskins/Mr. Devero

Class  Contract        2020      Seems like a lot of rules but it's simple common sense. 

WHAT YOU WILL NEED-   Pencils and an eraser. Inexpensive mechanical pencils (and refills) are  your  responsibility. Please  return  pencils.

GRADING   There  will  be  THREE  types  of  grades:           
1)Grade  on  art  work-  How  to  fulfill  the  requirements50%
2)Work  habit  grade. How   you  work  in  class.  Effort, detail.  Etc.     25%
3)Intangibles-   Getting  to  class  on  time.  Behavior,  attitude.            25%

FINAL  EXAM-  You  will  have  one, it  is  NOT  easy.   You  must  work  to  get  a good  grade-  no  free  rides.  
SGO: Intro. classes that onluy have 2 MPs of Art will need to do an SGO, which will be part drawing, writing, and vocabulary. 


Dress to impress. How ytou want others to perceive you.


Everyone can try! All students  do  NOT  have  the  same  ability  and/or  passion  for  the  creative  arts.  BUT everyone can  try  and  not  be  lazy.  How  to  work  in  classes  reflects  how  you  will  work  in a  job  and  in life.  Employers  don’t   like  lazy  people.    You  can’t  draw  well?  LEARN!   It’s  not  going  to  kill  you.  We’ve  had  people  with  zero  talent pass  because  they  tried.   If  you  try (our  definition  of  trying,  not  yours),  you  will pass,  regardless of  your  ability.  You  can  learn  anything! You CAN try!  If you try, you will pass, but it must be  bell to bell. 

DO NOW-   Simply  come  into  class, get  your  folders  out  immediately,  and  begin unless  you  need a  new project). You  can  always  life  draw  for  extra  credit. 

(Cleanliness)     If  you  drop  something,  please pick it  up.  Clean up  any  spills  and  keep  the  sinks  clean  and  clear. 

(Safety)   No one leave the art room without a pass.  Be careful of splinters and paper cuts and using sharp tools. 

(Materials)  Please take care of the supplies in the Art Room. We do NOT have a limitless budget for materials. Please  return all materials (especially pencils), and make sure your table is cleared and clean  for next class.  Please DO NOT WASTE supplies. Rulers are to draw lines with, NOT to tap or bend. Triangles are fragile.  PLEASE CAP THE MARKERS!

(Computers)  We have a few Dell computers, we will be instructing you on  an individual basis and also include assignments on the computer.  The internet is only available for art reference.  Surfing  anything  inappropriate will ban you from the computers and drop your grade.  I.T. knows  and  records  everything  you  do  on  all  computers  in  the  school.  BBIWY! 


We  don’t  like  to  argue,  all  we  have  to  do  is  press  the  button  and  call  a hall walker  and/or  home.     You are in this class to simply do one thing- learn and work from BELL to BELL!  An  art  class  should  be  fun.  Usually  no  homework,  text,  etc.  

 You  can  and  will  be  moved  away  from  your  friends  if  you  are  acting  inappropriately  or  bothering  others.  

Talking  and chatting is not working.  Do NOT wait for us to tell you to get working, as soon as you enter the room, get your folder/projects out and start.  If you don’t know what to do- ASK!  We expect proper manners and respect in this classroom. 

Leave any egos and immature behavior outside.   We want  to  treat  you  like  young  adults,  not  babies.   Stay seated until bell rings. If you  want  to socialize the whole period- you  will FAIL and  be  after  school.!  Please do not draw graffiti on the tables.
Use common sense and manners.  Criticism is fine, but viciously making fun of other persons’ work  is rude and  idiotic. Do NOT draw on other students work. 

Mr. D  and G. will not tolerate:  yelling, racist talk,  doing nothing in class- everyone works, Class time  goes  quicker  when  you’re  busy.  YOU WILL DO  BETTER WORK  WITH CONCENTRATION! Bad language is never needed.  We have ZERO TOLERANCE for BULLYING!  Arguing  with  Mr. Devero, Mr. Gaskins or security,  will get you in deeper trouble.   

WE  JUST  PRESS  THE  BUTTON,  simple  as  that. 

Also drawing (or bring in), anything inappropriate that does not agree with the school conduct code is a violation and will be dealt with in a stern manner.  We have no problem calling home  (or to your coach (if you have one)), and to a  Parent/Guardian. So use common sense and behave. Being disrespectful doesn’t make you cool, it makes you an idiot.    To the best of our abilities, we follow the same rules as you.  

GET  TO CLASS  ON  TIME! If you might be late, get  a pass from a  teacher.

BATHROOM- Next  door,  ASK FIRST! Use sign out/in book.  Any place further than bathroom needs a pass from teacher.

HATS: (and sun glasses):   Please take them off before entering our room. 

FOOD:   We  do  NOT  want  mice  in here.   If you have food/drink  in  your  bag,  keep  it  there.   This includes snacks and candy.   We have a filtered water system at the sink.  Gum is okay,  but  don’t stick it under a chair or table- simply throw it out in the garbage.

HEADPHONES: PUT THEM AWAY. They are  not  allowed  visible  in  our  room.

CELL PHONES:  Cell phones  can  be  stolen, or  broken. If you have one, Keep them hidden and OUT OF SIGHT (this does NOT mean  under the table so you can see text messages). If you text, your grade goes down.  If there was an emergency, the school office will contact you just as fast.  Lock them away in a pocket, purse or book bag; remember it can be stolen too. If no one knows you have it, they can’t mess with it.  Cell phones  can  be   taken away to the V.P. 

Detention will be at immediately after school.  Regardless of sports, bus, work, etc., there is no 24 hour courtesy. Detention is not long- usually less than 10 min.   If you cut, you get an hour   office detention. We do send in cut slips.  Period 10, if you have detention and walk out at bell, it’s a cut! If you get  detention, a  zero  comes with it.


Zeros  will be given out when you do something inappropriate, especially when it warrants a detention.  When you are given a zero, your FINAL MP  GRADE will be LOWERED ONE POINT. If you continue to break OUR rules, we will call home and get  the VP involved.   If this is a one-time mistake we’ll  give you an opportunity  to make it up with extra credit.  This is our room,  our rules. You  are  guests  here.  Act accordingly.

Don’t take matters into your own hands to prove something stupid.  Don’t assume you can  do  anything you  want, always be safe- ASK!  Simple  courtesy.  You can fail with a bad attitude.

RULES (Miscellaneous)… 
* You must have a pass with your name, time, destination and either Mr. Devero’s or Mr. Gaskins’ signature to  leave the room.  
 DO NOT USE the cutting board. Do NOT go into supply rooms for ANY reason unless  asked. Photo room is IB storage only!
* Dismissal: DO  NOT  LINE  UP  AT  THE  DOOR.  You  will  be  the  last  to  leave.   
 Clean up  3  min.  before  bell.  If  you  are  painting-  earlier. You must be seated in your regular seats, cleaned-up and quiet. If you were let out late, I will give you a pass.  Last period, simply wait till bell; put chairs up on tables and leave, unless we tell you to wait. If you leave it’s a cut.
MISC-  Remember, we are here to HELP YOU. These rules  are generally  common  sense  and reasonable.   We usually utilize a hands-off policy (this is your work, not ours), especially on your personal creative/ portfolio projects.  
12th graders, we have no problem giving recommendations for college/art schools, but only if the student deserves it. 

Advanced  Art  classes: Be prepared to  talk  about  your  work and understand/communicate  the artistic processes. Expect  to do a report. 

* DO NOT USE the cutting board. Do NOT go into supply rooms for ANY reason unless asked. 

* Dismissal: You must be seated in your regular seats, cleaned-up and quiet. Do NOT line up at the door. If you were let out late, I will give you a pass. Last period, simply wait till bell, put chairs up on tables and leave, unless we tell you to wait. If you leave it’s a cut.

MISC- Remember, we are here to HELP YOU. These rules tell you what we expect so you will easily succeed & make the experience in this class better. Remember ASK! We usually utilize a hands-off policy (this is your work, not ours), especially on your personal creative projects.  
12th graders, we have no problem giving recommendations for college/art schools, but only if the student deserves it. 

Art 2-4: Be prepared to talk about your work and understand/communicate the artistic processes 
The United States Counsel on Educational has finally realized what Art Teachers have been saying for decades: Art is critical for higher learning!

Mr. Gaskins’  Teacher/ Linden  student Art  web  site: http://lhsart.homestead.com/index.html

Mr. Gaskins’  art  site:  http://lgaskins.homestead.com

Anime  Club-  to learn  anime  drawing,  watching anime, gaming-   after  school-  Wednesdays,  art  room

Art Club-   tp learn  more  advanced  to  beginning  forms  of  art  and  animation-  after  school-  Thursdays,  art  room  (pending  approval  this  year)

EMAP  program-  a business entrepreneurial management program  that  is  art intensive-  after  school, Tues. electronics  room (pending  approval  this  year)
