Abstract- Usually showing no representational form. Based on an emotion or a sensation.
Analogous Colors- Colors  that  neighbor eachother on  the  color  wheel
Aesthetic response-  is the  enjoyment of a particular  work of art and its beauty.
Background- In art, those things that seem most distant, as if in the back of the picture.
Balance- An equal arrangements of elements within a composition. Elements could include color,
       line,  shape, or texture etc. for example.
Black & White-  Black is  the  complete absence of light.  Black is not  a  color, it is  a   shade.
White is all colors and it is  a shade too. Mixing B & W  can create many  shades of
Ceramics- Used to describe the finishing and firing of clay.
Collage-  A collage is any artistic composition made by gluing photos and  materials to a flat
Color wheel-  A chart that shows colors and their opposites.
Color- When light is reflected off an object, color is what the eye sees.
  Cool Colors- Any color that suggests something cold. Any hue can be made cooler by
  Adding  white.  Best example of a cool color- blue.
  Warm Colors- Any color that suggests something warm. Darkening a hue tends to make it
  warmer.  Best example of a warm color- yellow/orange
Primary Colors- In painting, those colors - blue, red, yellow - these cannot be made from
            mixtures     of other colors. If you  mix  all primary  colors  together you  get  brown  a
            tertiary    color.
Secondary Colors- The combination of any two primary colors results in the creation of a
secondary color. Yellow and red create orange. Yellow and blue create green. Blue and
red create  violet.  1 + 1=2  
Complementary Colors-  Colors that are opposite on the color wheel.  
Hue- another name for color.
Saturation- The  intensity of a color. Less saturation in the color will  make pink, then
Value- The technical name for shading, which gives color the quality of seeming light or
Shade-  When black is added to a color to make it darker, the resulting color is referred to
as a  shade.
Composition-  The structure or organization of a work.   Same meaning as Design.
Contrast- The amount of darkness or brightness between colors.
Criticism-  The process of describing, analyzing, interpreting, and judging works of art
Drawing-  The art or act of representing something on a surface by means of lines and shades.
Expressionism-  the artist expresses a feeling or idea solely by means of form, line, or color
    without reference to subject matter.
Foreground- In art, those things that seem closest, as if in the front of the picture.
Horizon line -Line separating objects below the viewpoint and objects above. In    perspective the
vanishing  point sits on the horizon line. Not necessarily a line    clearly shown in the
Illustration- Creating an image  from a story . Image can have words. Most illustrations are the
work of   commercial artists.
Impressionism-  An impression of reality,  emphasizing color over detail. Example: Claude
Monet/Van  Gogh.
Landscape- A works of art that depicts a scene in nature.
Medium (plural)- The art material that is used in a work of art such as clay, paint or pencil.
Mixed media- A painting or other work of art in which more than one medium and/or material is
used; e.g.    using acrylic, watercolor and pen in a single work.
Mural-  A large painting created on the wall or a ceiling.  The Sistine Chapel.
Palette- A  range of colors chosen by an artist.
Performance art- An art form combining elements of theater, music, and the visual arts.
Perspective- A system for representing three-dimensional space on a flat surface.
Pigment- Any substance or chemical that makes up a color. Example- cadmium for   yellow.
Portrait- An image of a person, usually representing some aspect of their character. ex- The
Mona  Lisa
Repetition- a series of repeated elements.  Can create a pattern.
Scale- The size of an object as compared to other objects.
Sculpture- A three-dimensional work of art made by carving (cutting in wood, stone, etc.)
modeling (a  building up of a soft material such as clay or wax).
Sketch-  A rough drawing or painting usually used by an artist as means of recording or outlining
an image  in preparation for a more finished work.
Positive Space- The space inside important objects in a picture  (ex: a human)
Negative Space- The empty space in-between objects and parts of objects (ex:  Inside the handle
of a mug).
Style-   How a specific artist's work looks.  Specific styles include unique art  sizes, material, color,
and other   formal elements, but also subject matter.
Surrealism-  Dream-like, distorts reality.  Example: The work of Salvador Dali
Symbolism- Pictures that mean or are associated with other things, such as the symbol for peace is a dove.
Technique- The way in which an artist uses a material in the creation of an artwork.
Texture- The actual or implied quality if a surface, such as rough or smooth, slick or grainy, hard
or soft.  Van Gogh's painting has lots of texture.
Unity-  the similarities among the elements of a work that create a sense of things belonging   
Vanishing point - The point at which all lines going in the distance go to  create perspective.
